Thursday, August 2, 2012

Super Junior’s Leeteuk expresses his frustration over personal information being stolen again

Super Junior‘s Leeteuk shared his mixed feelings about his personal information being leaked out again. On August 1st, Leeteuk tweeted, “I got a text to notify a warning of identity fraud. It’s not even surprising. It happens all the time that my personal information is being stolen, but still it is not the most pleasant feeling.” He continued, “The case was handed over to the police for investigations, but it’s going to get leaked soon anyway. And if I was to change my phone number again, soon the new number will be leaked out again and I will get a call right away…..”

Even though Leeteuk’s attitude seems plain when venting about the incidence, but he should still be very frustrated. Idols and celebrities’ information being stolen is not a breakthrough discovery; this happens every now and then, and it does not seem like it is going to stop. Recently, these identity thefts have found out the personal information of Big Bang and Girls’ Generation members through some sneaky ways and sold the information to their fans for profit. Identity fraud has become a new crime, with criminals growing increasingly sophisticated and organized, identity fraud is once again on the rise; there are numerous of these cases in enterprises and/or personal websites.

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