Friday, August 31, 2012

Son Dam Bi talks about the seriousness of malicious comments on internet

Son Dam Bi talks about the seriousness of malicious comments on internet

Son Dam Bi mentioned about the seriousness of malicious comments on the internet.

On 30th, Son Dam Bi appeared on KBS 2TV 'Star Life Cinema'.

During the show, Son Dam Bi searched her name in an internet website. Various related keywords showed up, but she had to see some false related keywords as well.

Son Dam Bi said about the malicious comments, "I felt horrible at first. But, now, I don't care about them."

However, she said, "Every entertainers have bad memories of malicious comments," and told the struggles that so many entertainers go through because of the bad comments.

On the other hand, Son Dam Bi revealed her graduation photo.

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