Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Jaejoong discusses JYJ’s teamwork

After the last shooting for MBC‘s ’Time Slip Dr.Jin‘, JYJ‘s Jaejoong held an interview at a cafe in Gangnam where the veteran idol shared his two-cents on the recent controversies regarding teamwork within idol groups. He commented, “Honestly there aren’t any idol groups that do not have problems.

Jaejoong added, “Idol groups are not family either. Plus when there are many members, there are bound to be members who are closer and connect better with each other than others. Having problems within a team is inevitable.

He also revealed how JYJ sustains such a strong bond with one another. He stated, “We definitely talk about the good things, but we also talk about the bad things,” and added, “Eric hyung recently posted a picture of Shinhwa on Kakaotalk, and when I commented, ‘It’s good to see you guys together, it’s really cool,’ he answered, ‘We are pretending like we are close.’ I think the reason he can say something like that so freely is because they are really close. Our members are kind of like that too.”

The idol star expressed his affection towards his members, adding, “When all three of us are together, it feels complete. I’m full of confidence (when I’m with them). It’s better together than alone, so when I’m going to try harder than I did when I was alone.

Source & Photo: No Cut News via Nate

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